6 female artists from Belarus
11 mei | 20 aug 2022
For the exhibition Fight like a Girl female artists from Belarus will share their personal stories and search for roots, traces and histories to understand where they come from. Each of the artists chooses a different strategy to come into terms with
their past. They join their voices against the current oppressive regime, and stand in solidarity with Ukraine.
Vanaf 17 juli is het werk van Ana Akshianova dat te zien was in de Groen van Prinstererstraat 61 hs te zien in de van Hogendorpstraat 205. De video-installatie is helaas wegens technische problemen niet langer te zien.
Van Boetzelaerstraat 56: Anna Sokolova
Van Boetzelaerstraat 80: Lena Davidovich
Van Boetzelaerstraat 92: Vika Mitrichenko
Van Hogendorpstraat 205:: Anna Aksionova